Bison Breath


Taking A Break

Bison are the iconic image of the Great Plains and the Old West. They are massive, shaggy beasts and the heaviest land animals in North America.

Despite their hefty size, bison are quick on their feet. When the need arises they can run at speeds up to 35 miles an hour. Their curved, sharp horns can grow to be 2 feet long.

Females (cows) and adult males (bulls) generally live in small, separate bands and come together in very large herds during the summer breeding season. Males wage battles for mating rights, but such contests rarely turn dangerous. Females give birth to one calf after a nine-month pregnancy.

This shot was taken not long after a small snowfall one winter day. This large bison decided to lay down and take a break. The snow on the ground did not seem to bother this massive creature. I love how the steam is coming out of the bison’s nostrils, it shows how cold of a day it was. 

Every time I see a bison I am always reminded of one of nature's most important rules, “Do not pet the fluffy cows!”

Location: Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado