Morning Star
A Star Is Born
The sunrise symbolizes birth, growth, new beginnings of all kinds, and resurrection. Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and new ending. Let the morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. It's an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think, and love.
Because of it’s meaning, I never give up on a sunrise. For a nice dramatic sunrise, a photographer hopes for some high clouds. Maybe some ice crystals in the air. Something to make your scene pop.
The morning I took this picture I thought I was out of luck. The clouds that were forecasted were missing. The sky looked boring. But I love sunrise. It’s my favorite time of day. It’s peaceful and calm. Fresh. So I walked around looking for some sort of composition. That is when I saw this tree. Leaning over forming a tiny window with the lakeside bushes. This is when I had the vision and hope of capturing a sunstar as the sun climbed into the sky. I set my camera settings and waited. The reward was this beautiful shot and another great sunrise.
Location: Boulder County, Colorado