Ready For The Rut
Rut Ro!
The sound of a bull elk bugling during mating season is one of the most plaintive and captivating things that you can hear in the mountains, and it happens every fall in Estes Park. It begins with a few growly bars, increases a few registers to a high-pitch scream and then ends with a series of grunts.The elk rut is a wild time of year—both for the elk and for us human onlookers. From a safe vantage point, say the edge of Moraine Park or another mountain meadow, you can watch the bulls (males) attracting, herding, and fighting for their harems. He uses that high-pitch bugle to attract cows (females) and his rack and boldness to fight for their honor. The bigger and more mature bulls have the best chances of mating. The drama doesn’t only unfold in the mountains: It is not uncommon to see a harem of 30 cows with one or two bull elk sprawled across the lawns of the golf courses in town.
The elk rut is my favorite time of year in Colorado. After watching the elk run around on the golf courses of Estes Park I headed into the park to see the action in there. I came across this bull elk in Moraine Park. This bug guy was walking around like he owned the place, and well, he did. I loved how he stood out from the fall colors in the background.
If you get the chance to experience the elk rut in Colorado, I highly recommend it.
Location: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado