The Laughing Horse


Stop Horsing Around!

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. There was a light snow fall one day So I grabbed my camera and went on the hunt for an image. Will I find an amazing vista with fresh snow on it? Am I going to capture an abstract scene with a lot of contrast? Am I going to find a wild animal, trying to find shelter from the weather? These are the questions that I thought as I left my house.

As I searched for the best picture I came upon a group of horses standing on a snow covered hill. I thought to myself “This is what I am looking for. This is the image!” So I set up my tripod, get my camera out and ready. I start shooting away. The images were nice snapshots, but none of them moved me. Then it happened. I heard some noise. Some of the horses started to move away. Then boom! This guy comes running up. His actions made me smile and laugh. He was having fun running in the snow. It reminded me of watching kids play after the first snowfall. Pure enjoyment.

I went home that day not feeling moved because I saw a incredible scene. I went home with a smile on my face and funny memory to hold on to. You truly never know what your interaction with nature is going to be or how it is going to make you feel. This goofy horse makes me laugh every time I look at this photo.

Location: Boulder County, Colorado